Category: The Pod

Listen to Episodes from Seasons Past and Present!

Episode 57: QUARANTINE

The boyz are back. Kinda. In a subdued episode on day 6 of the social distancing shutdown, they catch up, from separate houses, and muse about the present and future. Some good laughs! And some good questions. Plus the obligatory anti-45 rant.

Episode 56: Still Here.

We’re back. The winter is long, the mornings are dark, the cold still jumps up like a predator lying in wait, but there is hope! We are back, as if we ever left. We found inspiration through Black History Month, engaged with colleagues all over the country for Black Lives Matter’s Week of Action, and reflect on a difficult and taxing RiB process, and we have a big announcement! Gotta listen all the way through to hear it!

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