88. Neelah Ali of Denver’s Black Educators Caucus

The systematic attack on Black teachers continues across education, and the great city of Denver is no exception. The ways in which Black and Brown teachers are often scapegoated and experience proxy attacks on the communities from which we come and which we serve. The designation of schools with Black and Brown student populations, and those which employ Black and Brown educators as “low performing,” “not meeting” or, locally, “red” is a well-established and researched problem in our system.

We sit down with secondary teacher Neelah Ali, one of the founding members of Denver’s Black Educators Caucus, about the continued marginalization of Black teachers within our system and the caucus’ recent #dpssoracist campaign. Neelah speaks at length about stories shared with the caucus regarding atrocities committed against Black teachers, especially in the form of stereotypes, professional bullying and other microaggressions felt keenly in most schools which employ Black and Brown educators.

Follow the BEC, the hashtag on Facebook, and support Denver’s Black educators!

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