Daphne Draws Data Author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, and storytelling with data

As the 2024-25 school year kicks off across the nation, math teachers, students, and parents of the students face a familiar foe: self-confidence in mathematics. According to a Gallup poll before the COVID-19 pandemic, over 40% of students aged 13-17 reported that they were “struggling” or “not proficient” in math. But no one knows this reality more than math teachers themselves.

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, herself a mathematician and data analyst, has spent her career teaching adults to tell impactful and motivational stories using data. She has published professional books on the subject, but comes on the TooDope Teachers and a Mic podcast to share her latest book, which could change the tide for young people in our classrooms. Daphne Draws Data is a wonderful book on using data to tell stories. Cole joins Gerardo to kick off SEASON 10 of the podcast.

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