Gerardo Munoz

Episode 63: Season 4 Finale

Kevin and Gerardo attempt to wrap up the school year. As always, ish is wild. With protests sweeping the nation following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement, a strange end to remote learning with nothing but uncertainty ahead, the fellas try to make sense of the present to build optimism for the future.


Re-posting Episode 1, how it all started! #HistoryLessons #CollabBegins #TooDopeNationBegins

Episode 62: Optimism of the Will

As season 4 draws to a close, we find ourselves in a difficult moment. Is this the wholesale failure of education? Was it really COVID-19, or was it our failure to sufficiently show love, care, commitment to justice on a systemic level? Frustration with the current state and anxiety about what comes next, including a looming fight for funding, colors this episode. Yet through it all, we know that we must maintain an optimistic will to engage.


Class of 2020 High School Seniors, please contribute to our #SeniorStories2020 series by completing the form below! Contact us at [email protected] if you have questions.

Episode 61: “I Don’t Remember Anyone Asking Me”

Kevin and Gerardo sit down with three Denver-area high school students to get their take on Remote Learning in spring 2020. In all the discussions and meetings over remote learning in this time of COVIS-19, it is striking to us how little student voice has been a part of planning for this, perhaps the most significant moment since the advent of compulsory education. For all our talk about cultural responsiveness and student voice in schools, we have continued the trend of ignoring those values when it matters most, leaving our young leaders and scholars bewildered, lost, and losing confidence in their own role in schools. A warning: their words are convicting, and indict all of us.

Episode 60: #digitalequitywarrior #stopit

Kevin and Gerardo are back on a Sunday evening, discussing the important and persistent equity questions that have exacerbated since the shutdown of school buildings. We challenge those emerging #digitalequitywarriors who will invariably jump into the spotlight, though many have tuned out the equity conversation for years. We share our experiences, our fave digital teaching tools, and list our 4 no-skip albums. Shoutout to @JenntheTutor and @JessycaMathews for contributing to this episode!

Episode 59: Pump the Brakes

The boyz had some leftover MBs, so we decided to ask the hard question: Should we be doing this? Like, Remote Learning. Is this the best move for students, or is this the best move for the status quo? A number of intelligent people have sounded the alarm, that maybe this sprint to remote learning isn’t the correct move. Maybe it hurts our most vulnerable students more than it helps. What do you think? Listen and decide.

Episode 58: #TooDopeRemote

Kevin and Gerardo discuss week two of shelter in place in the city of Denver. They discuss uncertainty, equity, and opportunity as we navigate uncharted waters in education and in the world at large. Also, our first Instagram live show! Subscribe and listen today!

Episode 57: QUARANTINE

The boyz are back. Kinda. In a subdued episode on day 6 of the social distancing shutdown, they catch up, from separate houses, and muse about the present and future. Some good laughs! And some good questions. Plus the obligatory anti-45 rant.

Episode 56: Still Here.

We’re back. The winter is long, the mornings are dark, the cold still jumps up like a predator lying in wait, but there is hope! We are back, as if we ever left. We found inspiration through Black History Month, engaged with colleagues all over the country for Black Lives Matter’s Week of Action, and reflect on a difficult and taxing RiB process, and we have a big announcement! Gotta listen all the way through to hear it!

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